Friday, February 10, 2012


So not really sure what im going to do about V-day. And i want to ask her but she seems second guessing about us  spending v-day together  so maybe it wont happen.
guess i wont know till i try

Sunday, February 5, 2012


So i screwed up i think.
Either i feel like i pushed my boundaries with her.

it was a mix of fear and panic i just hope i can fix any and all damage before it gets worse

Thursday, February 2, 2012

So that just happend...

Well seems my paranoia was not as far fetched as i thaught...fucking pre-cognition hate being right sometimes about things.

anyway my girl friend has been in a depressive state and she thinks its because she hasny been single in so long so she cant have fun and go do things ect ect Basicly got the " maybe we should spend time away from eachother"  sorta talk..

she said it would be tempoary and i trust her

but i hope she know this is putting me into a reacuring nightmare i have had in the past with my other Gfs and im putting my heart and love on the line and in her hands with the promise she made me.  i trust her but doubt and fear always seep into the tiny cracks so this is going to be a hard time for me.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Alone with my thoughts never a good idea

So My paranoia was in an all time high last night. Thankfully im alright now but still it tends to annoy me how much my mind goes of to the worst things i rather not think about at times. Part of the reason i made this blog was to keep my brain occupied and so far its been a good plan.

now with that aside Vampires. {no the Twitard vampires} The Real vampires you know, Bela Ligosi , Alucard, ,  Blade, among other badasses.
but even as badass as they are they are fantasy right? wrong?

now most people who say they believe in vampire get shut down by closed minded people who immiditly jump to the conclusion  that they are speaking about fantasy and the movies.

well it not the case in fact their are real and documented people who drink blood and even drain energy from people.
The Issue with Society is that everyone is TOO ignorant and choose to deny without  even hearing the person out or doing a little digging. that simply how i feel but i wont say im right and i wont say im wrong.